479 Aquaduct Drive PO Box 1210
Brooks AB
Canada TIR 1C1
Swab Master Ltd.

Welcome to Swab Master Ltd.
Swab Master Ltd. has been proudly serving the Western Canadian oil patch since 2000! Based in Brooks, Alberta we run a well maintained and certified fleet of swabbing rigs and tank trucks. We are an industry leader and follow a stringent Health and Safety program.
Our Services Include
Production Swabbing // Well Evaluation // Plunger Lift Services // Tubing Work // Frac Fluid Recovery
De-Waxing // Fishing Services // Pressure Truck Services // Helium Well Services // Slant Well Services
and much more....
We only run modern certified equipment and our professionally trained staff has all the required certification & tickets. Swab Master Ltd. has an extensive ongoing training program and we are a proud member of the AASP Safety COR program.